About Us
Personify is a software application that enables instructors to easily create personalized AI Tutors to help students succeed in their courses.
Our product allows any professor to use existing material and assignments from their courses, or content shared by others in their discipline, to create an AI Tutor powered by ChatGPT. Professors enter both questions/problems and solutions/evaluation criteria, allowing the LLM to evaluate and Socratically discuss student answers based on instructor-provided expertise. Ideal for homework assignments, in-class exercises, and practice tests.
The Team

Nick is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for developing learning technologies and artificial intelligence. His most recent venture, VidGrid, a video platform for Asynchronous Video Communication was used by many of the country's leading universities and businesses including Cargill, Medtronic, Xavier University, the University of Nebraska system, and many more. VidGrid was acquired April 3 of 2020. Upon acquisition Nick went on to lead Product for AI / ML at Paylocity, the nation’s fastest growing HCM platform.

Mike is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas. He holds a BA from Stanford University and a PhD from Saint Louis University, did a postdoc at Harvard, and is currently pursuing an M.S. in Data Science. He enjoys teaching and helping educators leverage AI to save time and improve student learning.